
When the subject is natural resources and biodiversity in tourism, Brazil has been ranked No. 1 in the world, according to the World Tourism Organization and the World Economic Forum in Davos. Brazil is a great destination both for nature travels and for outdoor activities. From north to south and east to west, the country offers incredible landscapes, countless national parks and protected areas, cultural diversity and many places waiting to be explored. And in order to fully take advantage of all of this, various activities on land, sea and even in the air are at the disposal of travelers. It is important to point out that although ecotourism and adventure tourism activities may also share practices of adventure sports, these tour activities are not considered extreme sports because when these tours and activities are done with professional guidance and according to local laws, they are fun and safe practices as well as recreational and to be taken part by all family members.



Planet Earth has more water than soil, our bodies are mainly made of water, and Brazil has a lot of water. It is so much water that many activities are done in water and they may be done in various ways. It’s possible to sail, dive, float, play and taste fresh or salty water; experience light or murky waters or those that are turbulent or calm. Needless to say, it is a rich scenario due to the abundant nature. So get to know the options available:



On land, we have a close dialogue with the various landscapes, aromas and textures, with other people and different cultures. On land, we are what we are, after all we are earthlings.

Hiking, pedaling, riding, climbing, or even tree hopping are all part of land experiences available on solid ground. So get to know the options available:



Men have always dreamed of flying and height changes our perspective on the various sceneries. Either from a balloon, paragliding, or skydiving, venturing ourselves to great heights broadens our sense of freedom. Get to know the options available:




O planeta Terra é mais água do que terra, nosso corpo é composto principalmente de água, e o Brasil, tem muita água. É tanta água, que muitas atividades acontecem nesse meio e podem ser desfrutadas de diversas formas, pois é possível navegar, mergulhar e flutuar, brincar e sentir o gosto doce e o salgado, viver experiências de águas claras e escuras, agitadas e calmas, ou seja, é cenário rico pela própria natureza. Conheça as modalidades:




Em terra firme dialogamos com os cenários, com os aromas e texturas, com outras pessoas e culturas. Em terra, somos o que somos, afinal somos terráqueos.

Caminhar, pedalar, cavalgar, escalar ou mesmo subir nas árvores fazem parte das experiências possíveis em terra firme. Conheça as modalidades:




O homem sempre sonhou em voar, e a altura muda nosso ponto de vista das paisagens. Seja voando num balão, num voo duplo de parapente ou mesmo saltando de paraquedas, aventurar se no ar, amplia nossa sensação de liberdade. Conheça as modalidades:

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